The Urban Caracal Project and it’s caracals have been featured in a number of stories since the project started in late 2014. Here are a select few of the really interesting or informative ones!

NatGeo feature!

Project posterboy Hermes is highlighted in this article that gives great overview of the project.

Cats of the Wild podcast

Cats of the Wild is an original, not-for-profit podcast exploring topics around wild cat conservation. They interviewed Gabi Leighton in 2020 on what life is like for Cape Town caracals living on the urban edge.

BBC Radio Interview

BBC interviewed project coordinator Dr. Laurel Serieys back in 2018 for a radio-program. It gets a bit personal, but it captures that the Urban Caracal Project hasn’t always been easy!

News24 Interview

News24 interviewed Dr. Laurel Serieys following the publication of our work on anticoagulant rat poison exposure in urban caracals.

Tonight with Lester

Guest : Dr. Laurel Klein Serieys | Project Coordinator at Urban Caracal Project | Pictures of an elusive Caracal spotted on table Mountain by a couple of hikers have been making the rounds on social media. The wild cats are shy by nature and avoid contact with humans. But the Urban Caracal Project keeps track of the numbers and distribution of these beautiful wild animals and have tagged several of them. Joining us on the line is Dr Laurel Serieys from the Urban Caracal Project

News24’s sundowner with Hermes

Elusive Hermes the caracal enjoys a sundowner dinner on the slopes of Table Mountain

Cape Town Etc.

The media platform featured our work on caracal diet.

An experience with a caracal

Justin Bonello (of Cooked in Africa) shares his experience spending some time with the Urban Caracal Project.

SAN Parks Times

featured a piece by Rene de Kirk, published September 2016. The story focuses on our study of caracal diet in Cape Town.

National Geographic

published a blog written by Dr. Serieys (project coordinator), Joleen Broadfield (project field manager) and Dr. Max Allen (project collaborator) on July 18, 2016. The post focuses on lessons learned in conservation through the Urban Caracal Project.

Earth Touch News

mentions the project in a story about a caracal killing penguins in Simons Town, published July 7, 2016.

Africa Geographic

shared pieces of our blog on Propsero, a cat caught in a gin trap in Hout Bay. Published online on June 14, 2016.

National Geographic

Read Dr. Max Allen's National Geographic blog post about the Urban Caracal Project published on April 21, 2016. This coverage shows that the Urban Caracal Project findings don't just have relevance to the Cape Peninsula or South Africa, but have implications for species conservation on a global scale!

Wild Magazine

A lovely article by Scott Ramsay focused on the project and city cats of Table Mountain. The piece was featured in Wild Magazine in the summer 2015-2016 issue. It was one of the first stories written about The Urban Caracal Project and described some of the logistical struggles we've faced, but also some of the rewarding moments too.

British Airways In Flight High Life Magazine

“Tales of Table Mountain” was written to highlight stories about unique people working in Table Mountain, including Urban Caracal Project Coordinator, Dr. Laurel Serieys.

The Sunday Times

A brief overview of the project and introduction to a couple of cool urban caracals published on July 5, 2015.


Details about Jasper, a young male that was hit by a car on the M3 published on July 17, 2015.

Africa Geographic

Another highlight of young Jasper’s story of being hit by a car on M3, and what that means for caracals in Cape Town.

Experiment interview with a scientist

The Urban Caracal Project was the winner of the Experiment Cats Challenge (a crowd-funding challenge) in 2016. They interviewed Dr. Laurel Serieys to learn more about her background.