Report sightings and roadkill
One of the most important ways community members can help the Urban Caracal Project is to report sightings, especially if pictures can be provided, and to report roadkill (ASAP!). We aim to understand the threats to their survival in this urban environment. By studying animals that die in the area, we are able to learn about their ability to survive and persist in urban areas, and threats (such as pesticide exposure) to their ability to survive longterm. Samples acquired from roadkill also play a key role in our understanding of the genetic health of caracals in the Cape Peninsula. The more eyes we have on the ground, the much more we will learn!
Please report roadkill immediately to Dr Gabriella Leighton:
079-837-8814 (WhatsApp easiest)
Report your sighting here!
As of 2024, we’d received more than 1,232 reported sightings thanks to your contribution. Here’s a map we put together about the sightings. We are eager to keep collecting more data to see how things change with time (and more information).
If you have photos or videos of the sighting you are willing to share, please email them directly to and
Thank you for taking the time to fill out our sightings form! We appreciate your support!
Caracal sightings report form:
If you have photos or videos you are willing to share, please email directly to and
We would love to see the images, and also often like to use them for educational purposes including social media (credit given to photographer), talks, and other educational materials and opportunities.
The Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act 4 of 2013 requires us to inform you how we use, disclose and destroy personal information we obtain from you. We are committed to protecting your privacy and will ensure that your personal information is used appropriately and according to the applicable law.